Alberti 1906 “La casa del prosciutto”
Via Ciconi 30
33038 San Daniele del Friuli UD
T +39 0432 957422
http://www.lacasadelprosciutto.com/ info@lacasadelprosciutto.com
Guided tours and tastings
Check the link
Price to be agreed
Menu available
Max: 70 persone
Historic Place “La Casa del Prosciutto”
Disabled access available only in Osteria
Retail outlet
Online sales

La Glacere
Via Osoppo 9
33038 San Daniele del Friuli UD
T +39 0432 954102
Guided tours and tastings
Saturday: 10.00-14.00
Sunday: open by reservation only
Reservations are required for visits or tastings.
Interpreter on request and price to be agreed.
Retail outlet
Home delivery available
Online sales

Prosciutti Coradazzi
Via Kennedy 128
33038 San Daniele del Friuli UD
T +39 0432 957582
Guided tours and tastings
Monday 14-17.30
Tue-Fri: 08-12 / 14-17.30
Saturday: 08-12
Sunday by reservation
Contact persons: Angelo and Teresa Coradazzi
Price to be agreed
Menu available
(interpreter price € 35,00 ca.)
Max: 20 people
Tasting at
Al Baccaro
Via Kennedy, 45
33038 San Daniele del Friuli (UD)
Retail outlet
Tuesday-Friday: 08-12 / 14-17.30
Saturday: 08-12
Sunday by reservation
Home delivery available
Online sales

Prosciuttificio Bagatto
Via Cesare Battisti 26
33038 San Daniele del Friuli UD
T +39 0432 957252
Guided tours and tastings
Tuesday-Saturday: 09 -17
Monday and Sunday: closed
Referente: Lorenzo Bagatto
Tuesday-Saturday: 09 -19
Sunday: closed
Representative: Lorenzo Bagatto
Menu available
Max: 70 people in summer
Retail outlet
tuesday-saturday 09.00-19.00
sunday closed
Home delivery available
Online sales

Prosciuttificio Prolongo
V.le Trento Trieste 129
33038 San Daniele del Friuli UD
T +39 0432 957161
Guided tours and tastings
08.30-13 / 14.30-18
Contact persons: Alessio e Arianna Prolongo
Sensory visit € 35/ person
Max: 15 people
Visit plus ham tasting, classic organic grissini, handmade grissini with hazelnuts and Friulano white wine
Retail outlet
Home delivery available