Prosciutto di San Daniele

Every taste is an experience of goodness and delicacy. Every slice is the result of centuries of tradition that have made San Daniele an Italian product of excellence enjoyed worldwide.
Come in and find out what makes our Prosciutto special.

San Daniele is a unique prosciutto

Made for centuries with the passion and dedication of strong people who have imbued it with such subtlety.
Salted meat that becomes sweet.
It’s genuine and incredibly noble.
It’s the pride of its producers.
An Italian product of excellence with deep roots in the place where it’s produced, with winds that blow from the Carnic Alps to the Adriatic, giving it those unmistakable fragrances.
A miraculous flavour that’s been created in the same way for centuries.
Knowledge passed down through the generations that has made this place, this name, this prosciutto, unique.

Il San Daniele è Gentile

Il San Daniele è un prosciutto unico.

Fatto da secoli con la passione e la dedizione di persone forti che sanno regalargli la più grande delicatezza.
È carne salata che diventa dolce.
È sincero e incredibilmente gentile.
È orgoglio per chi lo produce.
Un’eccellenza italiana profondamente legata al luogo in cui viene prodotto, con i venti che soffiano dalle Alpi Carniche all’Adriatico conferendogli quei sentori irripetibili.
Un prodigio del gusto che avviene da secoli nello stesso modo.
Un sapere che attraversa le generazioni e che ha reso unico questo luogo, questo nome, questo Prosciutto.

Instructions for use

Prosciutto di San Daniele has a balanced and perfect flavour.

Here are some suggestions for slicing and storing it even at home, for maximum enjoyment of its qualities.

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Prosciutto di San Daniele is created by the expert hands of master prosciutto makers whose age-old knowledge and strict rules transform meat and salt into a masterpiece of flavour and delicacy.
Every prosciutto is the result of an artisanal process in a tradition handed down for centuries through families and generations.

Learn more

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